Working Type Soul Codes [July 2024 Updated]
Type Soul codes can give you a valuable boost, whether starting with a new character or enhancing your current one. These codes often provide clan rerolls, shikais, and other rare items.
Type Soul, a popular open-world adventure game on Roblox inspired by the Bleach franchise, lets you train as an Arrancar or Quincy.
You’ll choose the best combination of attacks, traits, and abilities to defeat your foes. New codes for Type Soul are shared through the game’s Discord server.
Type Soul codes
Active Type Soul Codes
- oopscybers | new
- qkidoexpansion | new
- tamacodesareback | new
- 200klikeswoah | new
- 350mvisitsalright | new
- myrobloxkeepscrashinghelp | new
- reallycooloriginalcodename
- newbosseswow
- youdidntexpectheretobeasecondonedidyou
- blazblueincident
- doomaroomeneverexisted
- sorryhopethishelps
- latenightbruh
- whereiskendoweapondude
- latenightfightnight
- thegreattypesoultrellolieisrealtyfor10kbtw
- 300mvisits
- whatdoesheevendo
- tama62121
- nuovarandomcode
- entvari10k
- tamarandomcode
- timetravellermistake
- cristi10k
- thegreattypesoultrellolieisrealtyfor10kbtw
- therewasnotruebankaiinthefirstplace
Expired Type Soul Codes
- thisisnotsigma
- ermwhatthetypesoul
- yurrrrlistenman
- causethatstheupdateineed
- thereisnosuchthing
- tweakinpostupdate
- arrogantecristi5k
- 500kdiscmemberswoo
- 2weekdelaywoah
- hqrsepowered
- imnotnamingitthat
- lightningshunkoaftertwoyearslol
- quincynerfagainleaveourracealonedude
- thatoneguyinvcaskedmeforthisonesoblamehim
- putthesefoolishambitionstorest
- readysetboomxdgetitbecauseboomboominokwhateverheresacode
- codethatsenkumadecuzhesmakingsomethingtakethisgiftbecauseitsjustasimpleupdate
- allaccordingtocake
- 7staredwardnewgate
- petgod101
- skibidisigmastofighttheohiorizzler
- canyougiftmeacinmightyomega
- ineedasacredscrollindemonhuntertm
- someonegivemeacinmightyomega
- someonegivemeasacredscroll
- setrohadtoguesswhatthiscodewasnamed
- hakudanerfafter1000years
- joedame
- senkuwascloudkageinjoedame
- jayomalawfirm
- theresahiddennpcsomewhere
- cursedgearruinsfriendships
- cyberpoint
- brovisitedhisfriends
- setroboominda
- tamaverified
- davehashit10kwow
- thekiraevent
- thekiraeventparttwo
- 160mvisits
- 400kdiscmembers
- newfaceswow
- nothinghappened
- 5minutesoffame
- Benihimebuff
- nosreppbestaustraliandeveloperinthewholeworld
- almightyeye
- tsugokusenku
- breathlesspumpkle
- somethingrandom
- canyouwrap
- mobileflashpd
- johnboomingg
- icanimaginesomeonesayingimnexttoatree
- phase1
- canyourecmeintodemonhunter
- myhopewillneverdie
- johnboomingg
- johnbooming
- gulliblelol
- threatneutralized
- avengerlevelthreat
- robloxban
- robotcowoe
- afkworld
- 100mlikes
- lightsegunda
- soulianstreak
- rankedseason2
- khaoticyachty
- ididntgetopenedupiliterallyjustgottiredofblocking
- kamehamehax3
- pleasegivemererollscodesimliterallystarvingoverhereimstuckwithacid
- johnbooming
- nuovaprimadon
- supasta
- balancedbalance
- awesomesauce
- badquincy
- bloodedged
- cowoe10k
- delayedwhoops
- devilgene
- doomatearoom
- drakos10k
- eduardobrg10k
- happyeaster
- khaotic10k
- nuova10k
- nuovalovesquincy
- ohwowcool
- quickshutdown
- quincyktillmybonesdecay
- sorry4ranked3
- sorryfortheinconvenienceee
- spiritgun
- sundayupdate
- woahreal
- 100kfavourites
- Â 100kfavourites
- Â 10klikes
- Â 20klikes
- Â 35klikes
- Â 3shikaireroll
- Â 55klikes
- Â 80Klikes
- Â apologyforlate
- Â championship
- Â championshipandmasteryboxes
- Â clanwarupdate
- Â contentcoming
- Â eduardobrg
- Â fixedoldcode
- Â happyhalloween
- Â haveagoodday
- Â latenightupdate
- Â mainmenufixes
- Â middayfixes
- Â midtermsover
- Â newclangamesoon
- Â newclanwargame
- Â newcodeoldbugged
- Â newgame
- Â resetclan
- Â segundanextupdate
- Â shikaireroll
- Â shutdownsrry
- Â slowpace
- Â soonupdates
- Â sorryfordelays
- Â sorryforshutdown
- Â sorryforthat
- Â tamaiscool
- Â thehonoredone
- Â tradehub
- Â triplethreat
- Â tyforfollows
- Â updatecomingsoon
- Â watermelon
- Â Weareback
How can I redeem codes in Type Soul?
Unsure how to redeem codes in Type Soul? Follow these steps:
- Open Type Soul.
- Click or tap the gift icon in the top-left corner.
- Enter a valid Type Soul code into the provided box.
- Press Enter.
With a valid code, rewards will be delivered immediately. If the code has expired or was entered incorrectly, you’ll receive an “invalid” message.
Additionally, you need to be above a certain rank to use some codes. You’ll encounter an error message if you’re not at the required rank.
In this case, you’ll need to level up further. Some codes are only functional in KT mode, so if a code isn’t working, try entering it there.